Sunday, April 8, 2007

3:30 AM Rant

Here I am, sitting on the couch which has been doubling as my bed for the past week, tears rolling down my face because my new contacts dry out when I stare at anything for more than 15 seconds, writing for what seems like the first time in ages. I also have just torn myself away from reading other people's blogs, and wondering why they actually have readers and comments!
A comment from my mother drifts through my mind; "As long as you compare yourself to to others, you won't have the self-confidence to do what you have to do." Profound. But still, I find myself wondering, 'How did they do it?!'
Other aggreivances: family time is never as satisfying as I imagine/hope it will be; all too often, I am negative (what happened to my natural optimism?); I still don't know what I'm doing in the summer; I can't seem to communicate properly with my brothers; and everything I've worked on accomplishing this past year in Tsfat has sloughed off me like old skin.
(I really like ?! as a punctuation. That and - , as well as...)
G-d, it feels good to write. I need a laptop. As a writer, its going to be a neccessary tool. But my mother told me today that my sister and brother-in-law purchased the one I am currently using for $1000! Help!
Another complaint - I don't really know what I'm doing. I am, to make a confession, fairly computer illiterate. I've had my camera since September, and I had to come home and ask my brother which setting was the anti-redeye. It's frustrating.
One day, when someone actually reads this, please comment! If for no actual reason, at least so that I can have the satisfaction of knowing that the energy I put into writing this hasn't just vanished into the consuming existence of Internet oblivion.
Thank you, and Goodnight.


Lei-Lei said...

hey ash you are seriously so profound and such a great writer! I love you so much!leilei

rivka said...

hey heres another comment! i just finally got on your blog. this is already like a million times more interesting than the mushkies blog and i've only read one post! ...sorry about comparing and all.

Anonymous said...

Ash, you inspire me and you mean everything to me as a friend. i completely understand what you said about all the craziness. coming back from Israel was more than just a culture shock, it was to me, like stepping from a dream, from a surreal life, into harsh reality. i cant say i have overly fond feelings for america after being in Israel. And as they say, "home is where the heart is" and i have to say that my heart is not here in america, its home- home in Israel.

Lol! The epiphanies that your writing brings upon me! :)