Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I looked up and there it was.
My eyes could not contain the vision.
Glory thrilled through my veins.
Joy was on my lips.
My soul was healed.
There, in the glorious space between the majestic, sun tipped clouds, was the sky.
Pure and holy Blue.
I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, only to open them again and be elated by the sight of it. There had been endless days of gray, days that had passed in a quiet rush, days that had begun with clouds and ended with clouds, days that slipped by me so easily, days where my soul had slept.
Now those days had come to a conclusion. It was time for sun and sky.
My soul slipped up and away, into this pure and perfect blue, this rainwashed, coldcleansed blue that was suspended above me. I felt laughter. I heard song. I knew only this moment, only the wonder that my eyes could not contain, only the beauty that man could not ever hope to create, only this.
This moment was joy.
This moment was peace.
I inhaled this moment and held it within me. In my mind's eye, I still behold the vision of that sky.
Behind those days of gray, those layers of gloom, it had been waiting.
Waiting for me.
Waiting for me to emerge from that small building and be stunned by it. Lifted up into its perfection.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Inspiring. Powerful.

Menucha photography said...


Miri Raphaelsohn said...

Ashira, Rivki just introduced me to your blog and I love it. What a great way for you to share your unique talent in writing with the world! keep it up!

I really like what you wrote about the sky. I too am obsessed with the sky. On days when the sky is the purest shade of blue, and the sun shines warmly and the bright green leaves in the trees match so perfectly with all that blueness... Nothing could go wrong on those days. All I need to do is look up at the blue and I am the happiest person in the world.

Cheerio said...

miri - thanks! now that i know someone will actually be reading, ill have to post some new stuff..
and what you said about the sky - it is the reason my days are just splendid right now... beautiful spring days in nyc!

Miri Raphaelsohn said...

oh goody! i can't wait for updated posts!
This is the place where I can get some of that "Essence of Ashirah", to use a coined phrase ;)