Monday, October 15, 2007

This Unbelievable World... and I Don't Mean That in a Good Way

Having come to the realization that I am rather unaware when it comes to world news and events, I have begun reading Arutz Sheva on a daily basis. I don't really care all that much about the news within the United States. Elections aren't until next year, and I'm just going to ask my parents who (whom?) to vote for anyway (don't throw things at me!). But I reasoned that Israel is a place about which I should be informed.
So I've been reading the news of the past couple of days. I realize I'm jumping on the bandwagon rather late in the stage, but what the heck?! They're talking about giving up Yerushalayim??
Haven't we done this before? Had this argument? Didn't we fight a war and get Yerushalayim back? WHAT IS GOING ON?
This is why politics sickens me. It seems so pointless. We have to fight the same fights over and over and over again. People make the same mistakes over and over and over again. Nothing new ever happens. At least until the next major terrorist attack or the next war breaks out.
We still have to fight. We have to campaign and vote and rally and protest. We have to work within the world.
But that is not where the change is going to come.
It'll come from the next sincere tefillah that I say. The next nickel I drop in the pushka. The next conversation I have with the next Jew I encounter on public transportation.
It'll come from the gathering in of all the sparks that have been spread over the four corners of this world.
This truly unbelievable, so desperately ready for redemption, world.


Leigh Est said...

this world is getting a bit too intense for me

Lei-Lei said...

ash guess who i saw yesterday?

Cheerio said...

who? who? urg, now i'm curious...
see ya tomorrow at the group!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I found you're blog out of no where!
Very interesting indeed!

Cheerio said...

hey kesem, welcome! hope to keep seeing you around...

C said...

Hey Ashira,
good stuff you got going on here. I can relate to a lot of it.

Just wanted to say hi and tell you that my back and legs are in an insane amount of pain... I'm walkking like a grandma and when I tried doing jumping jacks with my kids today i couldnt jump :)

Ill have to get over it though, cuz i have a wedding tonight as well as another one tomorrow night.

Nemo said...

Israeli politics tend to run in circles.

Cheerio said...

chaya - i feel your pain! i don't know how you're managing a wedding... i can barely manage walking from my bedroom to the kitchen!
nemo - politics in general,but israeli politics specifically, and to a more extreme degree. or we just see the effects of it more directly. i believe its cuz israel is not meant to be run with a democratic system. thats not the way a torah true govmnt works.
so of course its all messed up.

Nemo said...

"thats not the way a torah true govmnt works."

Your basis?

Cheerio said...

a torah true government - the ideal one - is malchus and sanhedrin.
correct me if im wrong about anything. even though i went to lubavitch schools my whole life, and a great sem, i still feel like huge chunks of knowledge are missing. so if i trip up... give me a hand.

Nemo said...

Moshiach aside {am I allowed to say that?}, I don't know if there is such a concept of a "Torah-true government."

I don't know what could be non-Torah about a democratic government. Not to imply whether its ideal or not, I just don't think there's anything wrong with populist decision making, as long as its in line with Torah.

Cheerio said...

there isnt anything wrong with it. i was talking about the ideal, however.

Anonymous said...

Post Mark It employee, would you write something new already?

Nemo said...

Wake up sleepy head!!!!

Cheerio said...

ok you guys you asked for it, you got it!
(thanks i kinda needed the nudge)