Saturday, September 6, 2008

Singin' In The Rain

I must apologize for stealing the title of this post, but nothing that I could think of on my own seemed as suitable as this for describing my experience this Shabbos. This is what I did on Shabbos.
I sang in the rain.
Loudly, softly; in my head, in my heart.
I never knew that Crown Heights would be home for me one day.
I walked in the rain, down familiar streets. Splashed in puddles ankle deep on familiar corners. Pulled my hood off my head and smiled for the joy of accepting, no, embracing the rain as I stood outside familiar buildings.
I was drenched three times in the past 48 hours. I didn't care. It rained, and I was wet, and then I came home, and I was dry.
I felt strong, loving the rain. I felt happy, loving the rain. I missed someone with whom I wanted to share this joy, this rain drunk love.
Rain in my hair, three times over, until it was slick and damp and sodden, and I gave up and shoved it back, and decided I looked amazing anyway.
Rain on my face, misting my glasses, until I couldn't see, and stepped in puddles and stopped to wipe the rain away, wishing for window wipers.
Rain in my clothes, in my open-toed shoes, cold and cheerful, swirling dirt and leaves past my ankles, and eliciting shrieks from my throat.
I love the rain. Snow is quiet and pretty, Sun is relaxing and balmy, but Rain! Rain and Wind! I feel alive, I feel dangerous, I feel like a child.


Just like a guy said...

You know, you can get sick from walking in the rain.

EndOfWorld said...

sounds like fun. enjoy it while you can. soon you have a wad of dollar bills sitting on your head, I mean, soon you'll be wearing a sheital and you won't enjoy it as much

Mikeinmidwood said...

This shabbos I also was in the rain I was so close with the rain I was stuck in it.No I did not enjoy it my hat got water logged and all. Had to find shelter under some store awning.

Menucha photography said...

sounds like pure bliss....i wish i could make everything as fun as you do, ash...;)

Just like a guy said...

Since when was getting soaked fun?

Menucha photography said...

the way ash describes it makes it so enticing..

Cheerio said...

have you ever gotten soaked?

Just like a guy said...

Menuch: A pig with a gold ring in its snout...

Cheerio: As they say in MN, you betcha! Meanwhile, we have two SF boys here in MN, and you have yet to inquire of them!

Menucha photography said...

ouch!! don't have to put me down and call me a pig with a gold ring in its snout! your not gonna insult me on my good friends' blog! woah! is it MyYeshiva? and is one of the boys C. Ferris?

Just like a guy said...

I didn't compare you to a pig, I merely compared "enticing" soaked to a pig with a golden ring; sure, it's enticing, but your wet.
I do hope. in the spirit of the Jewish month we're currently enjoying, that you'll accept any and all apologies I can possibly offer.

And yes, it's MyYeshiva, though I had thought his name was Menachem Mendel F.

Menucha photography said... worries..

thats awesome! he's my Bro! and yes, his name is chaim menachem mendel but every1 calls him chaim....u met him yet?are u his mentor/shliach/dc/ person?? and the other kid is yudi raphaelson, right??

Just like a guy said...

Yes, I met him. You might want to tell him, when you next talk to him, to start showing up on time and Davening (just a little hint). I'm at Yeshiva purely on a "hanging out" basis. I was a Shliach there last year, and this year am only going to Morristown Smicha after Tishrei, so until then I'm in MyYeshiva, sitting in a corner and learning/chatting.
The other kid is Yudi, yes. I'm friends with his brother Yossi too. We were Chavrusas in LA several years back (man, it's been that long?)
Is a "dc" a devoted counselor? Just wondering. And btw, don't mention me if and when you talk to your brother...that'll make my life a lot easier.

Cheerio said...

dc = dormitory counselor.
and look at what depths you've fallen to! flirting with underage girls! shame!

Just like a guy said...

First of all, I have no idea how old she is; secondly, I'm not flirting, not now nor never.

Cheerio said...

yes, a classic double negative, placed strategically to deceive the casual reader into believing that one is presenting the appropriate defense, whilst in reality, one is admitting their true nature.

Anonymous said...

Theres nothing like having someone to share the rain with. I know exactly how you feel, except here I am walking alone in warm, starry nights with only upsidedown trees to keep me company :)

Just like a guy said...

Um, that's actually a triple-negative. Read it again (and presumably weep).

Sebastion said...

What a way with words you have! very inspiring!

Menucha photography said...

trs: man, tell him that yourself! you don't need to tell me that "You might want to tell him, when you next talk to him, to start showing up on time and Davening (just a little hint)" listen, please don't judge the kid when you aren't exactly a Rebbe yourself...when you check out blogs that are by by girls of marriageable age, when you talk to them, etc...not that I'm either holy, but the bottom line is, please don't judge my bro unless you know where he's holding..

Just like a guy said...

Hey, it was just a little friendly advice. I barely know him, and figure it would sound better coming from his sister. And yeah, I'm just trying to help.
No, I don't know where he's holding, and no, I'm not one to judge; however, Yeshivos do have some very basic standards, and I was merely suggesting that you encourage him to keep to them.

Menucha photography said...

ok, but there's such thing as being PO'd by unsolicited advice, ESPECIALLY from a younger sister...(and yes, now you know pretty much how old i am)but i will try my best.

Just like a guy said...

In that case, I suppose silence truly is golden.

Menucha photography said...

very true.

Just like a guy said...

On the positive side, your brother seems to be a nice guy, which in my book is worth a lot.

Anonymous said...

chaims the best! give him tons of hugs and love from me! i keep on writing him a ton of crazy emails to keep him entertained-i know how being in an institution feels!

Just like a guy said...

He has access to email (not that I particularly care, I'm just wondering...)?

Just like a guy said...

Also, nowadays, when older guys give younger guys "tons of hugs and love", the world thinks that there's some sort of hanky-panky going on.

Anonymous said...

true dat! kinda kidding around about the hugs part-you could manifest the love by just paying attention to the kidlings talking to them and stuff...Im sure you are already! No, he doesnt have internet-the yeshiva has an email address that parents can write to their sons and the yeshiva prints it out and gives it to them. hes not my son but the privelege of communication has been extended to me as sister.

Cheerio said...

the yeshiva has an email address you can use to reach the boys.
(ugh, there's an ant on my keyboard)

Cheerio said...

hey ya, older sis, give me a call!

Just like a guy said...

OK, I will do. In fact, incredibly enough, I already have been.

Cheerio said...

so besides the ubiquitous "nice" label that you've assigned our chaimke, what do you think of the lad? and yudi? and is zalmy plotke there yet?

Just like a guy said...

What else can I say? I did reveal me identity as TRS, and he told me, and I quote/paraphrase, "You're the blogger that all the Chassidish girls in Berkeley talk about all the time." I'm not quite sure if this is a good thing or not, but...
He also asked me if I knew Levi (?) Welton, but I don't, so that was that.

Yudi is, and I mean this in only the best way, "cute". Today was, as I understand it, his birthday.

Zalmen Plotke I have spoken to. I know him from LA, because I used to eat at his house-I was friendly with his brother Shmuel Chaim.

Cheerio said...

wow, i'm just flattered that SOMEONE thinks i'm chassidish (although if we were all talking about you... i'm sure someone sees the flaw in that sentence).
levi is pretty well known, for various reasons; he also went to la, although i think it was before you were there.
as for yudi - i think "cute" is in his family genetics. both his sisters share that same quality.

Just like a guy said...


Yudi and his sisters may be cute, but I wouldn't give that appellation to Yossi.

Cheerio said...

reading back my comment, i realize that it was a little confusing:
there is an apparent contradiction in the statement: "all the chassidish girls are talking about you"; isn't there?
and yossi has his own charm.

Just like a guy said...

What's the contradiction? Explain to my addled mind.

And yes, Yossi is an interesting dude.

Cheerio said...

CHASSIDISH girls talking about BOYS...

Just like a guy said...

Who else should they talk about?

rivka said...

As Yossi's sister I think it is my duty to stand in opposition to anyone suggesting that he is not "cute" whatever that means. (Is it a good thing btw?)
as for chassidishe girls talking about boys. whats wrong? the problem only begins when they are talking TO them.
and as a response to trs last question: Girls would much rather talk about each other and what the other did or said or wore

Just like a guy said...

You just made me read 39 comments and a whole post to figure out what the heck you were talking about. Sick.