Thursday, December 25, 2008

And a Merry, Merry Chanukah to One and All!

It's Nittelnacht tonight, right?
And although tis technically Thursday all throughout the USA, I'm still posting a family story. Appropriate, as after a few months of travel, I'm ensconced on the family couch again. (Side note: It took 8 hours to fly from New York to Oakland. 8 HOURS.)
I'm a fourth generation Californian on my mother's side.My mother recently told me this story about her paternal grandmother, Pauline. Pauline's parents were divorced. Her mother ran a boarding home in Sacramento, and her father lived in San Francisco. Pauline and her siblings starred in vaudeville shows.
Pauline married a non Jew. Her father refused to speak to her after this. When she had my grandfather, she would take him down to the street where her father lived, and would walk my grandfather in the carriage up and down the street. This is how my great great grandfather knew his daughter had a son.
Pauline eventually divorced her non Jewish husband. She moved into her father's home, and he helped her raise her children.


le7 said...


My mother's father's parents had issues with my grandma. They thought she was a floozy. Because when their son started dating her at forty-five? Yes forty-five, he would come over to my forty year-old grandma's apartment and fall asleep reading the paper.

Just like a guy said...

Um, this wasn't the most interesting story in the world...don't worry, mine (tonight) won't be any better.

le7 said...

(Does that mean my stories are interesting? Yay!)

Just like a guy said...

Yeah, most of them are.

Cheerio said...

hey, it was 2:00 am! i'll try to have a better one next week.
it is hard to compete with LE7's stories though. let's hope trs' makes me feel better ;)

Just like a guy said...

Thanks. With that kind of negativity before I've even contemplated which juicy stories to write...

Cheerio said...

all right, all right, i take it back. i'm sure the trs family has some incredibly fascinating stories in the archives.
i'm gonna have to ask for a recall, i guess. maybe on try number two, i'll be able to come up with something a little more captivating.

le7 said...

Cheerio I am waiting impatiently.

EndOfWorld said...

ooo, story sharing time. what's the criteria? i have some great family stories of my own

le7 said...

Hey, the only thing is I can't see your blog to read stories if you post them!

Just like a guy said...

End of World: Start blogging again!

EndOfWorld said...

Shliach-really? and when my family is starving and floundering amidst the mounds of dirty laundry and random litter sprinkled throughout my apartment, will you come rescue us?

I saw that once I started, I got waay too involved...especially in the commenting part. Maybe I'll do spot appearance on blogs that are kind enough to spare a space for a reluctant writer such as I....

In any case, I was planning on writing some juicy family stories c'mon, what kind of stories do you want to hear? I don't have religeous debates, but I do have fistfights and broken bones....and guns!

EndOfWorld said...

On a side note, I'm really getting irked over the amount of blogs who have chosen to title their post "Merry" something or other. If I recall correctly (flips through a history book) this "merry" culture of theirs has wreaked some not so merry havoc on our ancestors

Just like a guy said...

End of World: They're merry mitzad sarcasm. And feel free to guest post by me.

Nemo said...

The criteria for telling family stories is to have some gentile Christmas-observing blood a few generations back.

I, for one, am fourth cousins with Huckleberry Finn.

Just like a guy said...

Yeah? I'm a direct descendant of the golem of prague.

le7 said...

Did I never tell you that Jimmy Carter grew up on an adjacent farm from the farm my grandmother grew up on?

Just like a guy said...

That would explain a lot.

le7 said...

I'm lying. She was high school sweethearts with John Kennedy.

Just like a guy said...

That's any better?

le7 said...

Okay okay I was lying again. But she did cook dinner once for FDR.

Just like a guy said...

She should've poisoned him when she had the chance.

le7 said...

I'll run that past her.

Just like a guy said...

Do so, please.

le7 said...

I don't think she'll listen though. She doesn't really like Jews. Thus doesn't like me so much.

Just like a guy said...

That's kind of sad.

le7 said...

Yeah, maybe I should start telling stories about that side of the family, although truthfully they're a bit disturbing.

Just like a guy said...

That means you'll get lots of hits.

Cheerio said...

my grandmother's cousin married mark twain's daughter...
endof - broken bones and guns sounds interesting...

EndOfWorld said...

Let's see...start with my maternal grandfather. Really sweet guy, nice smile, gentle, very smart.

Back in Europe, he was at his Rebbe's son's wedding (not sure which Rebbe...sorry), when a couple of Hungarian thugs burst in (hmm...must be somewhere in Hungary then). they were looking for trouble, maybe start a pogrom or two...

While most people were either a)fleeing or b)frozen in terror, my grandfather (along with a friend) beat the crap out of them. He was arrested by the local police, but at least the wedding continued un-pogromed.

Anyway, the community put together a nice sum of money for a one way ticket out of Hungary (bribe included). He headed to Israel and joined one of the resistance groups there (before 1948)

He used to keep weapons hidden in his house (under my grandma's sewing Grandma, could you fix my hem? Sure dear, just as soon as I move these machine guns out of the way).

the British never caught on, because when they would conduct random searches, they would find this sweet chassidish guy (my grandpa) playing 'kuglach' with his kids. They never bothered to search.

and wait until you hear about my paternal grandfather....

Cheerio said...

wow! now if you had your blog open, we could have all read this story there....
what's interesting to me is that you have the kind of grandparents "other people" (by which i mean FFBs have). Not nice Americanized folks like mine.

Farbrengen said...

Hey cheerio, I would've I can totally do a psycho-analysis any time :)
How r u feeling? When can we make a lunch/shopping/museum/something date?

Ps- I would've responded to you on TRS, but as you saw, he kicked me out :)

Just like a guy said...

I didn't kick you off nothing. I just told you that if you wanted to practice what the rest of us preach then you should stop commenting. Of course, I'm not defending the dating post which is going up on Tuesday if you want answers to the savaging, you better do it yourself.

Farbrengen said...

You told me I should stop commenting on your blog and try to get all the girls to stop doing so. I consider that an invitation to leave, with not much of a choice in declining.

If you feel that it was not an invitation to "kick me out", then perhaps I'll just reply to dating posts :)

Just like a guy said...

It was not an invitation to leave, it was an invitation to become more frum. I don't think your mashpia quite understands what is going on here. If she did I guarantee she would never have allowed you to comment, even if it was a "toichendik" comment. The yh has many different disguises-sometimes he even comes dressed in a hat and jacket, with a long white beard and holding a likkutei sichos in his hand.
Anyway, yeah, I like your comments, if you can justify it to yourself keep them, along with the dating posts, coming.

Just like a guy said...

It was not an invitation to leave, it was an invitation to become more frum. I don't think your mashpia quite understands what is going on here. If she did I guarantee she would never have allowed you to comment, even if it was a "toichendik" comment. The yh has many different disguises-sometimes he even comes dressed in a hat and jacket, with a long white beard and holding a likkutei sichos in his hand.
Anyway, yeah, I like your comments, if you can justify it to yourself keep them, along with the dating posts, coming.

EndOfWorld said...

and your mashpia lets you?

Just like a guy said...

It's a complicated issue.

Farbrengen said...

You are right that my comments went further than my Mashpia would have thought was OK...
Let's leave at dating posts then shall we?

Just like a guy said...

Sure. Our only contact will be about dating. How chassidish. :)

Farbrengen said...

Does that bother you?

le7 said...

I'm sure just his pure neshamale.

Just like a guy said...

Not at all. I just think it's funny.
Take tonight's post on TRS. I guarantee you'll love it, but how will I know that?

Farbrengen said...

I actually do love it. Partly because of its toichen, but mainly because I am the #1 fan of the Roshette and a big fan of the Rosh. The Roshette and I have the most awesome rapor... I should give her a call one of these days.

Perhaps I should only comment on shidduch things and Farbrengens... but that would lead me back to square one, wouldn't it?

Cheerio said...

farbie,just wait, i've got a great post coming up that you can psycho analyze... ;)
i'll be back jan 7 - let's do something! i have lots of time on my hands while i "look for work". (i'm gonna have to take those parentheses off soon, i have no money anymore...)
also - you believed trs when he kicked you off? really? hahahahahahahahahahahaha... wipes away a tear of laughter.
maybe if i didn't have fever, i wouldn't think it was so funny, but i am and i do!

Just like a guy said...

Yeah, I'm a big fan of the roshette too. Even though she did get my name on an extra-security list by the TSA.
Yeah, so just comment, nu. I'll try not to make you feel too guilty.

Farbrengen said...

Cheerio, I can't wait for both the post and your return :)

TRS, you're too mean for me to comment. You publicly embarrassed me (isn't that compared to murder?) and kicked me off. So, why return and let you benefit from my pointless commentary? :)

Cheerio said...

wait, so does that mean you guys are just going to use my blog to comment to each other? well, go ahead, it makes me look popular ;)

Farbrengen said...

Cheerio, you bring in a good point... Hmm, I've got to figure this whole blogging situation out. What's a striving-to-be-Chassidish-girl suppossed to do? (TRS, don't offer your opinion on this, I've heard it already thank you very much!)

Just like a guy said...

Fab gal: do I have to get down on hands and knees and grovel for you to come back?

Cheerio: if you hadn't noticed, we all comment obsessively on everyone's posts.

le7 said...

Yeah we even did it to frum satire last night. His little blog community didn't know what hit them.

Farbrengen said...

Hmm, sounds like just maybe I would consider it then... But maybe not.
Think of something better... I mean a bochur on his knees to a girl who is currently only commenting to him regarding Shidduchim? Not exactly the image we'd like to conjure up, is it?

Cheerio said...

farbrengen - your presence on trs makes it more tznius for the rest of us (kinda like virtual yichud?). you are an inspiration. maybe just don't comment late at night?

trs - true. thank G-d for that, or we'd all feel like we're writing into a black hole...

Farbrengen said...

Cheerio, why would my presence make it any more or less tznius? But b"H i'm glad you feel I'm an inspriation. I like your suggestion about not commenting late at night... Now that's quite practical!

Cheerio said...

wait, what'd you do to frum satire?

Cheerio said...

that's me, practical as heck ;)
and a: numbers
b: you're quite a bit more chassidish than me, at least, so you're a positive influence!

le7 said...

Basically commented in momentous proportions.

Cheerio said...

which post? i imagine it'd be very entertaining to read?

le7 said...

I think so actually. His one about belonging to a community. Very recent.

Farbrengen said...

Thanks :)
We'll see how TRS's grovelling goes and perhaps I shall return?

Cheerio said...

ooh, trs, she's sending you a message... ready to grovel some more?

Just like a guy said...

I'd do anything to win back the favor of a girl ;)

Cheerio said...

and you think a statement like THAT is going to make farbrengen feel comfortable enough to return to commenting as usual? ha. ha.

Just like a guy said...

Someday you'll have to teach me how to treat a girl properly.

Farbrengen said...

TRS, I think that worse then me being on your blog in its effecting me, is you writing back!
If that's how you respond to my comments, maybe you're right and I shouldn't comment anymore?

But, if you'd really do anything...
You want to grade 24 Chumash tests?

Farbrengen said...

Between LE7, Cheerio, and I, I'm sure we can educate you on such matters eventually... If I do actually decide to return...

le7 said...

Yeah. Righty-o.

Just like a guy said...

I'd love to, but I'm working on a iPod here, and it might not work too well.

Just like a guy said...

The tests, that is.

Cheerio said...

yeah, dude, that comment made ME feel uncomfortable. and it's MY blog. and its ME.

le7 said...

This completely went over my head. Why should I feel uncomfortable?

Farbrengen said...

Hahahaaaa LOL.

Okay... How about putting together my lessons plans for next week?

Farbrengen said...

LE7, I would explain, but I'm not daring enough to do so...

Just like a guy said...

Cheerio: what's your problem?

Fab gal: sure.

Farbrengen said...

Something about being Bas Mitzvah

A Chumash worksheet for Parshas Toldos Perek Chof-vov

An introduction and game to understanding the concept of "Mundane to Holy"

Parshas V'Yechi

And... A modern day story to tell over regarding the power of Tefillah.

B'hatzlocha ;)

Just like a guy said...

Tell me what was so terrible, and I'll work on it.

Cheerio said...

"Someday you'll have to teach me how to treat a girl properly."
in general, it's the mother/wife who trains a gentleman how to treat a woman properly. and none of us fit into that category. so what that statement implies made me and farbrengen a leetle uncomfortable.
does this make me daring? ;)

Just like a guy said...

that's it? Fab gal and others (coming soon!) can teach me how to date but not how to be a nice guy?

Just like a guy said...

and fab gal, when do you need this shtuff by?

Cheerio said...

perhaps it would have been better phrased "you all". then we would have understood its collective implication instead of being offended by the possible personal applications.
others coming soon? i'm excited!

Farbrengen said...

Actually, that's not what I was referring to... so umm... yeh.

If you want, I don't have to be your mother or your wife, but I can still teach you how to be a nice guy. It kind of falls into the "shidduch tips" section... Be a mentch, say things like a mentch etc.

Cheerio said...

now i have egg on my face ;)
alright, fab girl, let's get trs into "nice guy boot camp"!

le7 said...

This shall be cute. I'll observe.

Farbrengen said...

Cheerio, i think the problem with it though, is that it brings me back to the same reason as to why TRS did-but-not-really told me to leave his blog...

Just like a guy said...

Cheerio: Wednesday night.

Fab gal: I have fanatic beliefs. I believe that if you're going to do something then you should do it right. Of course, I very rarely live up to my beliefs.

Farbrengen said...


Yet, even when I go and leave your blog, I still can't get away from commenting back to you via other blogs. So, of course, if I want to do things right I should, but would that mean it would be my departure from the blogosphere altogether?

Just like a guy said...

It's like facebook-a friend of a friend is a friend.

Farbrengen said...

Not really. If I don't know someone on facebook, then I keep it that way.

But really, should I leave the blogsphere?

Just like a guy said...

You say every day "al tivianu liday nisayon"

Farbrengen said...

Ooh you're mean.

Just like a guy said...

You want lubavitch/kotzk or you want chagas?

Farbrengen said...

I hear ya, I hear ya...

Farbrengen said...

So, for now, I'm going to balance things out a little. No official declartions, but less blog commenting on my part b"H.

Cheerio said...

probably a wise decision on your part. i go through phases, frankly. sometimes, like now, when i have nothing better to do in my life, i blog incessantly.
but please say you'll at least continue to comment regularly on my blog? please? even if trs keeps stalking you? pretty pretty?

Farbrengen said...

Yes, Cheerio, I will comment regularly for you... Even if TRS who isn't really stalking me continues to stalk me.

Do you know that this 22 Shvat marks 5 years since we've met?!?

Cheerio said...

way to make me feel old... ;)

Farbrengen said...

It was sooooo freezing that day, and I was embarrassed to wear a hat.
Then I saw you, and you were bravely withstanding the cold... and wearing a hat. Very impressive. And so, it took us about 3,000 miles away from home to finally meet, and it will take that far for us to finally get together again!

Cheerio said...

i always see these girls in CH without hats, scarves, etc on the coldest days, when I'm bundled up to the nines, and wonder - is it me? them?
but then the wind blows up Kingston, and i'm grateful for my leggings and gloves and ear muffs.
its one of the few places where comfort trumps fashion in my life ;

Farbrengen said...

Agreed, agreed, agreed. Nothing is so awful as when the wind blows and you see more of a person then you've ever wanted to.

In any case, after that friday meeting, you came with Brocha to a Farbrengen at my cousin's house... Or was it only "Ferris" who came?

le7 said...

Maybe you could handle WI after all.

Farbrengen said...

So should I really come for a visit? I want to, it was so much fun last time, and that was when you were out of town... With you there it's b"H going to be UNBELIEVABLE :)

le7 said...

No if you come now. It's cold.

Yeah, ironic huh? The one time in the last entire year I haven't been in Wisconsin for Shabbos?

What the hey, it was gimmel tammuz after all.

Just like a guy said...

Look what happens: I leave for half an hour and I get accused of stalking and the conversation becomes boring. Oh well, I suppose it'll help me get to bed faster.

le7 said...

Yeah right. Go to bed faster? Harumph!

Farbrengen said...

Well, yes you do stalk-but-not-really...
And no, the convo is not boring... We're reminciing about old 22 Shvat memories...

Ok, it's wrong to not be honest... It's more fun when you add in you 2 cents...

Farbrengen said...

Eli, after the snow thaws out, b"H me and chosson will come and visit...

le7 said...

Talk about a lame trip.

Farbrengen said...

Why, he'll be awesome :)

Farbrengen said...

Okay, how about, i'll be engaged but come and visit sans the chosson?

le7 said...

Much better. It's only fun hanging out with married people after they've been married a half a year and don't have kids.

Farbrengen said...

Okay, enough of back to the future for now... :)

When are YOU coming HERE?

le7 said...

Gimmel tammuz. Unless I come up with:

1) A more pressing reason before then.
2) Free time
3) Cash flow

Cheerio said...

well then, wish me luck. i have firm plans to hang out with my newly wed friend at her house when i get back to ny.
trs - i know, right? can you believe we're talking about the weather and reminiscing?
but i like farbrengen's suggestion: let's hear your two cents. what are your favorite 22 shvat memories?

Farbrengen said...


As my friend once explained to me:

Typical Bochur CH Convo at the begginig of Shvat:

Weather's a bummer...
Bad cash flow...
I'm cold..
I'm hungry...
But... it's worth it...

chof beis Shvat is coming.

Cheerio said...


Just like a guy said...

What fab gal? There are no bochurim in crown heights for 22 Shevat.
My favorite memory is of rabbi oster's farbie in LA.

Farbrengen said...

I'm glad you think so... It's quite contrary to what I've seen...

Cheerio said...


Farbrengen said...

I've seen lots of bochurim in CH durring 22 Shvat, including my very own cousins...

Just like a guy said...

Obviously there are bochurim there, but not nearly as many as there are normally.

e said...

The beginning of this discussion was about family stories. I didn't read the last 100 comments, but whatever. Here's my family story:

We have a family tree going back ten generations. The guy on the very top of the tree (i.e. my father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father) is named "Berel." He was in charge of drafting people to the army. The goyim wanted him to draft a disproportionate amount of Jews. Old gramps Berel didn't want to. So the goyim doused him in alcohol and burned him alive.

Just like a guy said...

That's a very chassidish story

e said...

Another family story:

My great-grandfather was staying at his daughter's house (i.e. where my mother was growing up). One night, as old gramps was getting ready for bed, he asked his granddaughter (i.e. my aunt) to get him a cup of water. She brought him a cup, and he proceeded to put his teeth in it. My aunt was fascinated. Apparently Zeide disassembles at night! So she brought him another cup and said, "Now the eyes, Zeide!"

e said...

I don't even know of Berel was a chassid. If he's my father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father, would that make him pre-Baal Shem Tov? I don't know. Someone care to do the math?

Just like a guy said...

LOL. That is a brilliant story.

Cheerio said...

wow. e, people like you and endof scare me.

Just like a guy said...

Why? You frightened of gezheh?

Cheerio said...


Just like a guy said...

So you're afraid of some dead people. OK.

Cheerio said...

hey, can't explain a phobia...

Just like a guy said...

We can get you help if you want.

Cheerio said...

really? what kind of treatment would you suggest?

Just like a guy said...

Marry gezheh and realize that it makes not an iota of difference.

Cheerio said...

i don't judge people! Heaven forfend! i'm just a bit terrified by anyone who can actually trace their lineage that far back...
hmmm. marry gezhe.stranger things have happened, i guess!

Just like a guy said...

All it means is that someone recorded someone else's urination.

And yes, much stranger than you could possibly imagine.

Cheerio said...

i'm sorry, WHAT?

Just like a guy said...

What didn't you understand?

Cheerio said...

trust me, i know that the world is a place where very strange things happen, but recording urination? what the H e double hockey sticks does that mean???

Just like a guy said...

What do you think gezheh is?

Cheerio said...

obviously not what i thought it was. care to explain the source of your statement?

Just like a guy said...

Gezheh=ancestors pishing in nevel.

Cheerio said...

i still don't get it. i guess this proves how un-gezhe i am.

Just like a guy said...

Man, this is difficult.
What makes someone gezheh by your definition?

Cheerio said...

they've been lubavitch since the time of moses. or at least three generations. any sooner than that, and you're still a newcomer.

Just like a guy said...

So the difference between you and them is, they're ancestors pished in Lubavitch or wherever it was, and yours didn't.

Unknown said...

very interesting thanks!