Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Where is Everybody?

This is just a random complaint because there haven't been any posts on the blogs I like to read in simply ages. I'm guessing this is because the people who write these aforementioned (oooh, what a lovely word!) blogs actually have lives, and don't write on their blogs when they have things to do, for example, unpack three suitcases' worth of clothing that have been strewn across the floor for two and a half days.
But still. I have the need to read!
So, somebody, write something!


Lei-Lei said...

You have expressed my exact sentiments.
you gonna be in the store today?

Cheerio said...

u know i am. come visit!
(this is a general invitation extended to anyone who knows where i work)

the sabra said...

...and then (gasp!) ashira discovered the world of books. a never ending source of reading material was at her finger tips. it was a place where words didnt disappear cuz authors got private. it was a place where she was able to choose the topics she wanted to read about, catered JUST FOR HER.

ashira felt blessed.

Cheerio said...

thank you very much, sabra.
problem is at the moment blogs are more accessible than books!
ahhh, i remember when a decent library was around the corner... now i have to pay money to get to a source of reading material! can you imagine?

Chana said...

You don't necessarily need to pay money - walking on E.P. can be quite nice.

Cheerio said...

but who has the time?
sides which, i like sharing the experiences of my fellow lubavitch bloggers.
believe me when i say i manage to fit books AND blogs into my life!