Sunday, March 15, 2009

G-d is Funny


Anticipation sucks. You look forward to something, the highlight of your year, the moment you'll never forget - and then a day before, a week before, something happens, and you can't even appreciate it. 
I'm whining, I know, and I'm sure it's getting old for all the people who actually have to listen to it in real life. But I can't help it!
My lip hurts, my stomach hurts, my throat hurts.
Everything that could go wrong seemingly did. 
And all on the eve of one of my best friend's wedding!
I look and feel like I've been punched in the mouth. 
My brother says it's cool, now I have Jolie lips. I was satisfied with my own, you know? 
I'm all dolled up, blue dress and Uggs (it's a long, chilly walk from my apartment to Razag), and I've got the blue wig I didn't get to wear on Purim because I was stuck in bed. And I've got my cold medicine, the kind that makes you stop coughing. 
So hopefully this won't be too much of a disaster. 
(See, and that sucks too. Normally, I'd be so excited, but now all I want is to STOP COUGHING.)


le7 said...

Oy yoy feel better.

Just like a guy said...

Sounds pretty miserable. Feel better soon. Very soon. Like now. And blog more often too.

e said...


Menucha photography said...

aww feel better ash... well, u did great last night dancing!! u'd never have been able to tell that u were sick from the way u looked;)

bonne said...

erg, refuah shlelaima deary

Leigh Est said...

Are you feeling any better from when I spoke to you?
Drink tea... like I said before, it may not do much, but thats my cure for everything these days! :)