Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Dialogue of Two Parts


I am proud to present to my readers (all five of you!) a dialogue between two individuals that I orchestrated for my own amusement. Having been amused, I decided to share the wealth. Unfortunately, this is one of those jokes which needs explanation. Or at the very least, a preface.

Here it is:

The Characters

The Roommate (who is, in fact, MY roommate) is someone who takes her arguments very seriously. She believes in what she says, and in being open to the opinions of others. She's studying philosophy. (I think I could have started - and finished - with that, and saved myself four lines of typing.)

The Real Shliach (who is probably someone's roommate, but definitely not mine) is someone who doesn't take his arguments seriously. At least not the ones he has on the internet. He believes in nothing he says, and in being so open to the opinions of others, that sometimes he ends up with none of his own.

Now read and laugh as The Roommate tries desperately to have a serious argument, and The Real Shliach tries desperately not to!

Subject: Ok, psychoanalyze me.

From: The Real Shliach :

I'm always up for a discussion. Discuss away!

Enjoy visiting

From The Roommate:

My intent was less to psychoanalyze and more to point out where your impressions of Boteach may due to hearsay or a scant understanding of him and his approach - if you can point me in the direction of posts where you were more critical of him I can begin to try and do that.

Best -
The Roommate

From: The Real Shliach:

Now honestly, I wrote these a while ago, and I may not agree with everything I said. But don't worry, I'll still argue with you, because it's quite the fun activity. Bichlal, I don't know too much about Shmuley, and I'm sure that as a person he's a wonderful guy. I didn't particularly like the infamous pie-throwing incident, nor his debating with Christopher Hitchens. I thought that he really dropped the ball there.

From The Roommate:

As I'm rereading your posts I'm realizing that there's very little I can say, since you didn't say one critical word - only spiteful vendettas.
I'm always game for criticism (namely: insightful remarks that point out the subtleties of a situation, person, art...etc) because those are debatable, the nuances defined for discussion, and prejudices generally aired quite clearly.

Since you don't seem to consider Boteach a Chassid, or having a valid opinion, without any explanation why you find it appropriate to justify such casual defamation, there isn't really much to discuss....
I'm remembering now why I got upset when Ashirah showed me those posts....struck me as remarkably callous and unintelligent.

From: The Real Shliach:

Wow. That was pretty harsh. Um, I'm not sure how to respond. After reading what you said I read what I had written; in the article about Shmulie and Nobel, I realized my mistake and wrote as much. Fine, so I didn't exactly apologise, but I said I was wrong, which is pretty close. Besides, that post had some great prose, which I still marvel at many months later. As for the second, well, all I did was write my own opinion on the matter. As it happens, the guy who did the real insulting was CCL, who is another story entirely.
Anyway, this isn't about defending myself, because you aren't interested in me defending myself. You'd rather me prostrate myself before an image of the righteous Rabbi Shmuley and beg forgiveness for my many sins.
Listen, it's not like I really have anything against Rabbi Boteach. Heck, if he calls up and asks me to go out with his daughter, I'd probably say yes. Do I agree with everything he says, or more importantly, does? Heck no. Would he, if he knew me, agree with everything I say, or do? I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't. Still, I'm pretty sure that he's a good guy, and I'm pretty sure that I'm a good guy, and if you can't say a sharp word once or twice, then what's the point of it all?

From The Roomate:

I think the insulting bit was where you called Boteach not a real Chassid and things like that without any substantail critique that would be interesting. There's no need to prostrate, just needless and unfounded insults about someone I admire really irk me, especially when it's trendy to disapprove of him and he's contributed so much to the Jewish world and is a tribute to Lubavitch. Sharp words are fine. The man does say controversial things, and I think that its good that people disagree and discuss why they disagree and about what particularly; it's good to use someone's extreme or unusual position to help you clarify your own. It's when you bash because you're what some may call a hater (haha) then I just find that so wrong and aggravating. So again, if you have real critique - by all means. If you have needless sinas - bad news.

From: The Real Shliach:

I'm sorry. I done bad. Shtuff happens. Is he a Chassid? If you say he is, then I'll take your word. What else can I write? Tell me and I'll write it.

From The Roommate:

I'm so honored you would take my word, sheerly on the basis that I'm Cheerio's roomate. It really depends on how you define a Chassid. I can tell you personally from what I've seen of him, both in public and private, he is a kindhearted, caring person devoted to G-d, Chassidus, and helping his fellow Jew. That's enough for me. As per his opinions and writings - individual issues can be debated and disagreed about on an individual basis. As per his personhood, I can testify to his character.

From: The Real Shliach:

I'm taking your word on it because I have no reason not to. I only distrust people when they prove that they can't be trusted; up 'till now you've done nothing which would make me think that I shouldn't take your word. With Cheerio it's the same, though are relationship hasn't reached the point where her vouchsafing for someone would automatically recommend them to me.
How do I define a Chassid? At this point in my life, the only answer I trust is the one given by the Rebbe Rashab in yechidus, that a Chassid is a lamplighter. If what you say is true, and I'm sure it is, then I have no reason to doubt Rabbi Boteach's character.
Perhaps I should meet him. Or maybe not. Whatever it is, that's what it is.

From The Roommate:

I would rethink that trustworthy attitude but hey, that's just me.

If by lamplighter you mean someone who spreads Yiddishkeit and Chassidus, I doubt you'll find someone more qualified than Rabbi Boteach.

You should definitely meet him.

From: The Real Shliach:

What's wrong with trusting people?
As for meeting him, "Take me to your leader."
Anyway, what would I say?

From: The Roommate:

It's not a good idea to trust people you don't know, is all I'm saying. Trust is an earned thing, generally. I don't know how to further explain that.

There are defintitely going to be upcoming events in the New York area where Boteach will be speaking or leading or even around - I can be sure to put you on the mailing list if you're interested. He's very approachable, and loves Lubavitchers, so if you'd like, just introduce yourself and tell him what you thought of what he said or so forth. It's pretty easy to see that he's nowhere near the vicious power-hungry mongel he's often made out to be by older generations that are scandalized a shliach would associate with non-Jews or speak about sexuality (both common practices nowadays - shluchim are now quite happy to associate with Shmuley's old buddies from the Lechaim society now that they're rich and famous, and as I recall there's a great book about mikveh/sexuality written by a shlucha that is commonly accepted now). Ask to come for Shabbos - he always has a full house, many Lubavitchers often.

Thanks for being open to my remarks. In real life I'm definitely not this harsh, but the internet makes it somehow possible, you know?

Wishing you the best.

The Roommate

From: The Real Shliach:

Yes, I suppose so. I think that there's two kinds of trust here; one is the subway kind of trust, that I trust that my fellow occupants in a subway car won't suddenly attack me, though I'm still a bit wary. The other kind would be when someone tells me something. When I don't think there's any reason not to believe them I generally do.
I'm not going to be in New York until after Tishrei, and I don't know if I want a million emails from a list coming in; going to his house sounds like a much cooler option, though I don't know where he is, which is a bit of a complication. Also, I can't imagine myself walking over to someone who I've never met and telling them why I think they're wrong; the internet, as you say, emboldens one to make statements which would never pass through our lips in real life.

Wishing you the best, of course,

From The Roommate:

I would say to try and email him:

he always responds.

From: The Real Shliach:

Nu, and what should I say?

From: The Roommate:

I don't know - if you have a boen to pick with him, do so - of course, my recommendation would be to be respectful and have you know, basic ahavas yisroel, though he is definitely used to the standard dull inarticulate rants and defamation and bashing, I'm sure.

Ask if you can come for shabbos and when a good time would be - he always has bochurim come, it's totally not a weird question.

From: The Real Shliach:

Do I have a bone to pick with him? I'm not even sure at this point. If I read some of his articles, I'f probably remember some things which I don't like, but at this point all I can recall is that I don't agree. With what though, I don't know. So I guess that one's out of the question. Perhaps I should just say that you said to email him, and see what hapens; that could be fun(ny).
As for going over. where does he live? NY?

From: The Roommate:

Well,I would only recommend being in contact with him if there is something in particular you want to discuss. You could always just ask to come for Shabbos if you want.

If all you remember is that you disagree, in all likelihood you were convinced by someone of his wrongness, and very little of that convincing had to do with facts... am I right?

He lives in englewood, new jersey.

From: The Real Shliach :

So I told Cheerio that I had capitulated to you, in she castigated me in the wildest terms imaginable. Seems that I was being counted on to provide entertainment for her, and my admitting defeat at so early a juncture ruined those plans. So, for her sake, let's have a real argument. I'll say something so outrageous that no one could possibly defend it, you'll respond, shocked beyond belief, I'll stay my ground, you'll call up Moshe Kotlarsky and demand my immediate execution, he'll refer you to Rabbi Shmuley, the two of them will sic their dogs on me, I'll run off to Paris, and probably be home in time for supper.
No I just have to think of something to say...
Have a tremendously meaningful Shabbos, and remember to take everything I say with a 2 pound box of salt, because you ain't seen nothing yet!

From The Roommate:

Sounds good, I'm looking forward..have a great shabbos

From: The Real Shliach :

OK, I'll see what I can do. How about, "Chabad as we know it is dying a slow and painful death?" No, that's not controversial enough. Perhaps, "Orthodox Judaism should accept members of the GLBT community with open arms, and embrace gay marriage." Hmm, that could do it. Or maybe you'd wish to discuss the effects of chaos theory on Jewish thought in our times? That would also be interesting. Oh well then, I've given you some great options there, I can't wait to see which one you rip my head off for...

And if you made it this far - up for a Shabbaton at the Boteach's?


Rachel said...

"I'm sorry. I done bad. Shtuff happens. Is he a Chassid? If you say he is, then I'll take your word. What else can I write? Tell me and I'll write it.:

That quote was, drop spoons, hilarious. I was quickly skimming through the convo. and shaking my head thinking you completely missed the main part, because the only time I tried pointing out something to TRS he made it pretty pointless because all he would due is uselessly apologize. Just when I doubted your abilities you threw that one in and saved the day. Way to go. ;)

Just like a guy said...

Rachel, I apologize for apologizing.

Rachel said...

Tis a good thing I'm a forgiving person, lest such heartfelt apologies go to waste.

Just like a guy said...

For sure.

e said...

So I told Cheerio that I had capitulated to you, in she castigated me in the wildest terms imaginable. Seems that I was being counted on to provide entertainment for her, and my admitting defeat at so early a juncture ruined those plans. So, for her sake, let's have a real argument. I'll say something so outrageous that no one could possibly defend it, you'll respond, shocked beyond belief, I'll stay my ground, you'll call up Moshe Kotlarsky and demand my immediate execution, he'll refer you to Rabbi Shmuley, the two of them will sic their dogs on me, I'll run off to Paris, and probably be home in time for supper.
No I just have to think of something to say...
Have a tremendously meaningful Shabbos, and remember to take everything I say with a 2 pound box of salt, because you ain't seen nothing yet!

I read this one while in middle of drinking water. I couldn't stop laughing and couldn't either swallow the water. It was really funny. And then the guy who sits behind me in the office started giving me funny looks. Oy, you had to be there.

Yes, TRS is a capitulator. No doubt about it. I think you see this tendency in the Joshua stories. Joshua and his bar-plugta argue about something until they just don't care anymore and can't be bothered to think about it anymore. Thus, they, like TRS, never solve anything.

e said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just like a guy said...

I'm so glad to bring such joy into the lives of a humble cubicle dweller.

And yes, once there's no entertainment value left in an argument, why bother?

Anonymous said...

TRS, it's worse than I thought. SAVE YOUR MISERABLE SOUL! STOP FRATERNIZING WITH GIRLS!! I DON;T KNOW WHAT TO SAY ALREADY, YOU;RE WAY OUT OF CONTROL. stop stop stop. YOU'RE A BOCHUR FOR g-D'S SAKE. CUT IT OUT. bochurim don't have friendly cit chats with girls. that's how it is, that's how it was. oy meh haya lonu.

Just like a guy said...

He's back, and better than ever!

Anonymous said...

You've never left and are worse than ever.

Anonymous said...


Just like a guy said...

Of course I never left. The question was whether you were still around. Incidentally, I hope this doesn't become one of those situations where we're chatting via blog, because that's pretty annoying.

ilanica said...

Who says Cheerio's roommate is a girl?

Just like a guy said...

What exactly are you trying to insinuate?

Anonymous said...

TRS would get jealous if Cheerio had a boy roommate.

Anonymous said...

BTW, for you scoffers who think that I can't be mashpia on anyone, you'll notice that nemo's no longer hanging out with the maidelach of the blogosphere.

If TP2 would come back out of the woodwork, maybe we could really get something done.

Just like a guy said...

Nemo is only gone 'cause he's in law school, not because he's given in to the taliban.

Anonymous said...

What can I say? TRS is right. Shall I apologize eagerly and move on to the next topic?

EndOfWorld said...

Man, it's so annoying to come in the middle of a conversation. You have to wade through piles of comments just to make sure you arent saying something someone said already.

Anyway, just curious to know where those quotes from Boteach come from. A quote is only as good as it's source

Just like a guy said...

What quotes from Boteach?

e said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just like a guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

Mr. Posner- "au revoir"!? Ahaha. Nice.

Just like a guy said...

The consequences of our actions are often unforeseen, and often tragic. People do things, not realizing the dominoes they've set in motion, and then BOOM! they get knocked down themselves. Oh, the sweet scent of irony.

Cheerio said...

ooh, whoever deleted those comments, that wasn't very nice. now how will newcomers to this blog ever figure out what's going on?
and e, after i brought such entertainment to your life, you're abandoning me?? i am deeply wounded.

Anonymous said...


Who ever said I'm leaving? Are you perhaps referring to events which never took place?

Just like a guy said...

Cheerio, please, stop flirting with Eliezer :)

Eliezer, shtuff happens...

Cheerio said...

Darn, did i forget to write the requisite "i mean all and any statements addressed to any gentlemen on this blog or any other in an entirely platonic manner" clause again?
and E, i guess i am, after all. my ego is greatly soothed.

Leigh Est said...

Ashirah, I love this :)

Anonymous said...

Ha, this is so funny.

I'm just reading right now that my mainkick (?) is looking for me.

Sorry I wasn't keeping up with all this pritzus here....

I think it's gone so far that we, or at least I, can't help TRS. We can help those that recognize their illness and want to be helped. I also personally think that TRS loves this attention from us. (Or any attention, that is.)
G-d should help him.
What does it say? G-d helps fools? Something like that.

And one more thing. Who knows maybe
he will end up marrying one of these 'bans' and this is his way of dating.

(How will this message get to TP1? I don't know)

Over and out.
The king is in the field. I am busy.

Anonymous said...

Oh and re Nemo - he's probably got so many girls @ his goy'ishe school, he doesn't need this on-line entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you TP1!

Taaruvos has calmed down a bit. I think our little pritzusnikes are getting some fear of G-d in their hearts as the high holy days approach.

Anonymous said...

TP1 - You crack me up!

And there I was up all night wondering will my partner in fighting hefkeirus see my message....

Now my curiousity has taken over -
Who are you?

Just like a guy said...

TP2-you can thank me, I emailed TP1 your comments.

Anonymous said...

What am I, English or something? Correct sp.- curiosity.

Anonymous said...

OOHHHH Okay. Mystery solved!

Thank you TRS, wow this Elul is really doing you good, isn't it? Great, okay get back to your learning. Don't want to be responsible for your bittul Torah.

Just like a guy said...

TP2: Did you ever consider the possibility that TP1 gets all follow-up comments emailed to himself? Still, you're quite welcome.

And who says I've fried in? As it happens, I'm currently blogging about're gonna love it.

Anonymous said...

I is confused, I thought one can only get comments emailed to them if they are "in blue", meaning have some account... UNLESSSSSSS you are your own saneiger.... which I did suspect a while ago... ach I don't know...
actually, who cares... I'm having fun.

And re gays - for you, I am not worried...write away..

Just like a guy said...

Yes, it's true, but TP1 has commented on this blog under a different name, that allows him to get the emails.
No, I am not TP1. I know who he is, in fact we are friends, but it's not me. I'm not in the business of wasting my time talking to myself.

And you're not worried about me and gays? After all, now that I've been cut off from girls...

Anonymous said...

Maybe... just maybe... this sudden reformation was inspired by our valiant efforts on behalf of Torah and G-d and all that is holy. Perhaps we ought to give each other pats on the back.

Just like a guy said...

Stop dreaming darling. Just because there's a lack of availability...

Anonymous said...

Oy, he is calling him "darling". I guess I should be worried....:)
Oy, unless TP1 is a girl, nah.

As you can well see I am confused. As you all know each other and I'm the outsider... oh well.

Anonymous said...

Join the club and become an insider. We're not that exclusive.

Just like a guy said...

No, I'm not a girl, and neither is TP1. And I suppose there is little reason to get worried.

And TP2, if you reveal yourself, then...

Anonymous said...

Oh TP1 thankyou so much. And do I still get this welcome even if I am a female?? Haha!

Btw, is TP1 a canuck?

Anonymous said...

A canuck I am not, ay?

le7 said...

Wait, I'm confused. Aren't tznius police supposed to be tznius? Why are they reading a girl's blog then?

Just like a guy said...

They have mesiras nefesh to save the Jewish nation. You should respect them for that.

le7 said...

I meant no disrespect. Just trying to understand the situation.

Just like a guy said...

You're kidding me, right? I mean, that was a joke. The whole thing was a joke.

le7 said...

I'm not kidding! I spend my free time doing tznius police activities. Such as standing on campus and throwing eggs at girls in short skirts. Its a great stress reliever in between class.

Just like a guy said...

Oh boy! I would love to join, but that wouldn't be tznius.

le7 said...

Yeah, you have to look at the girls in short skirts to be able to aim the eggs properly. Definitely not tznius.

Just like a guy said...

Dang. Maybe I could throw eggs at the guys in short skirts?

le7 said...

How about throwing them at the guys you catch looking at girls in a remotely lustful manner.

Just like a guy said...

Are there enough eggs in the world?

le7 said...

Fair point.

Anonymous said...

I have returned! To save Lubavitch from this new menace: Elisheva and tfs. Go yea sinners to your RESPECTIVE tents and speak not more to each other.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I always read girls' blogs. How else am I supposed to know what to campaign against?

le7 said...

You're joking. Really. Tents? I live in the north of this here country. Tents are just not practical.

Anonymous said...

Ah shucks. Just trying to give things a Biblical flavor.

Anonymous said...

Darn. I think I need to flog myself now for talking to a girl. AAAAAHHHH!!!!!

le7 said...

Please do. Plus you can't hide. This here girl knows exactly who you are. Start trembling please.

e said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
le7 said...

Chill out. I was just joking. You take the blogosphere too seriously.

le7 said...

Aww you deleted your post E.

e said...

Indeed, it's not the first time the tzniut police has been busted.

Cheerio said...

elisheva, where have you been all my blogging career? so quick with the quips, inciting activity among others, actually commenting on old posts! you're a most superb reader.

Just like a guy said...

Awe shucks, it's no fair that I have to miss all the excitement. Just because I'm by a 10 Kislev farbrengen with nosson gurary, I have to suffer?
And yeah, elisheva, you messed up big time here on the identification game.

le7 said...

I was in retirement for two years.

Also what did I mess up? I totally have no clue as to what just happened. Why would TP actually believe I had any clue who they were?

Just like a guy said...

TP is a bit paranoid when it comes to his real identity, so all the strangeness lead from there.

le7 said...

Sorry TP my sincerest apologies. I talk big and know nothing.

Anonymous said...

Once you stop fraternizing with boys and leading them astray, into the clutches of sin and death, we can discuss your repentance.

le7 said...

Well either way I'm not discussing my teshuva with you, since you're a boy!

Anonymous said...

Who better to lead you on the path to true repentance?

le7 said...

You're not supposed to be talking me. You have such mesirus nefesh I guess.

Just like a guy said...

What was I telling you? The tznius police are the holiest of the holy!

Anonymous said...

You may have a hard time understanding this, but please try.

Whoever posted last night as "the original and only TP" was an impostor. Everyone knows that I'm always fast asleep at that time.

Actually, Elisheva did very well in the identity game. I'm not sure if y'all followed, but she actually got me to spill my identity right away.

Just like a guy said...

Knowing one letter of a person's name is hardly revealing their identity. And anyway, it was your own stupidity.

e said...

I landed here on a link from trs' latest post. it's really interesting to see how all this taaruvos actually played out. who would have thunk... and the fear of spilling my identity.... look where i am now.. if only we could find tp2, i could die happy.

Just like a guy said...

Strange how things work out.

le7 said...

"the tzniut police said...
I have returned! To save Lubavitch from this new menace: Elisheva and tfs. Go yea sinners to your RESPECTIVE tents and speak not more to each other.
December 7, 2008 7:49 PM"

Yeah like that worked. Hah.

tp said...

now that you´re all older and wiser, have you learned that chit chatting with MOTOGs is not all fun and games?

Just like a guy said...


TP said...

really? has it all been fun and games? have you never thought, i should have waited a few more years?

Just like a guy said...

Ahh, the lonely ones desperately seeking attention...

le7 said...

Well waiting is nice and all... if you're not Jewish.

Just like a guy said...


the vindicated tzniut police said...

I shan't spell it out clearly online, but basically, I meant a different type of waiting: waiting to begin getting involved rather than waiting to finalize matters.

le7 said...

Oh uh. Didn't think of that one. Why?

Just like a guy said...

TP: that's what i figured you meant. now go read my responses again...

the hyporcitical and vindicated tzniut police said...

trs: Ok. You think I want attention. Whoppedo. Can't argue with that because the more I argue the more attention I seek.

Speaking of lonely, can you guess with whom I went to Carnegie Hall last night?

le7: Am I right or am i right?

le7 said...

Well if waiting around meant I would end up with some money earning mean bad father tycoon, then no.

the hyporcitical and vindicated tzniut police said...

God decides who you're gonna marry before you're born. if you guys would have followed TP's advice, you would have vd"led at a more convenient time.

le7 said...

How can you decide what's a more convenient time?

tp said...

I'm making a really simple point. I don't get what all the confusion is about.

May i spell it out clearly?

le7 said...

You need more than my permission to do that...

e said...

OK, other party, can we have your permission?

Just like a guy said...

Nope. Who else is still subscribed to this?

Cheerio said...

i am. if you want to have this conversation so badly, why not just do a group g-chat?

Rachel said...

ya, unfortunately me too.

Rachel said...

ya, unfortunately me too.

Just like a guy said...

Rachel: why unfortunately? btw, you've missed out on some great action in the last six months on the blogosphere...

Rachel said...

You're gonna just sit there, or you're gonna fill me in?

Unfortunate because I don't know what's going on other than the sudden bombardment of new messages in my inbox.

Just like a guy said...

You're friends with cheerio, right? Ask her to explain the conversation between myself, le7, and TP.

Rachel said...

Aha. So you gained high blog status and won a spokesperson in the last 6 months?

Just like a guy said...

Um, no. I'd tell you myself but I don't have your email address, and besides, you wouldn't find it that incredibly interesting, not having been around for the last six months.

Rachel said...

You've piqued my interest.

That much action to be email-worthy? I think it's listed on my profile, no?

Just like a guy said...

Most certainly.

Rachel said...

I'm waiting.

Just like a guy said...

Yes-where has that messiah dude gotten to?

(you didn't get the email?)