Monday, August 11, 2008

Tisha Bav is Over


Why, G-d? we ask as we sit, feet dangling in cool waters underneath the summer sky. I turn my head against the sunwarmed concrete and think of mothers and fathers lost and then my mind takes a curve and I'm thinking about bad haircuts. Only yesterday we mourned and today music rings through the air filling my soul, and our voices soar in quiet demand as we ask Where are You? I have no answers to give her. I cherish my belief in contrast to her pain and also wonder if this were my life would I be as faithful as I counsel her to be? My hand lies illumined by the lamplight and black bloodsuckers flick away from my skin and her voice breaks as she cries What will I do when he is gone? I have nothing. tongue and voice are cleft. I hold her hand. What can I give you, my sister, daughter of Israel, what can I tell you, your heart will not hear it, your soul is held captive. instead I mourn with you. I will pray that we need not mourn, that we will rejoice, that all my beliefs will be proven to your medical satisfaction, that your eyes will be opened and you will be able to thank G-d for His mercy. I said to you tonight He is the bringer of your pain and He is the comforter of your soul. He is Infinite, for only one who is can be all these things. Birds fly overhead, don't they know it is night now? over the trees the moon shines brightly. You walk away, alone, and my heart beats hard, thinking of girls newly wedded who are lost, fathers who are strongholds who might one day be gone, and of my own confusion, borne of joy and folly.


Just like a guy said...

Holy smokes. Cheerio, do me a favor and tell me what the heck I'm supposed to say?

Just like a guy said...

Once again, of course, I forgot to subscribe.

Just like a guy said...

Oh, and thanks for taking off the word verification. Much appreciated.

Cheerio said...

you could start with a flowery, extremely complimentary analysis of my creative genius.
once you've finished that, then you could express your honest opinion.
does that help?

Just like a guy said...

All right, let me start from the top.

Cheerio, your creative genius is flowery like a daffodil, and extremely complimentary like a great Riesling paired with a medium rare filet mignon.
Honestly, I have nothing more to add. I hope that this has been helpful.

Cheerio said...

what's a Rieslng? forgive my benighted ignorance ;)
helpful it has not been, but it'll have to do.
next time we'll go with "ego boosting" rather than helpful.

Just like a guy said...

It's a German wine. I believe it's drunk with desert, which would it unsuitable for filet mignon, but that's hardly the point.
Cheerio, to many you are like G-d himself!
Has your ego been boosted yet?

Cheerio said...

interesting. never heard of wine drunk specifically in the desert.
i'm giving up on the ego boosting! i'm a changed woman! no more ego!
(now, tell me the truth, did you read any of the previous posts? and what'd you think? ;)

Just like a guy said...

Sorry, my bad (once again). That would be 'dessert'.
Everything Hashem created in this world he created for his glory. Even Cheerio's ego.
(A couple. I don't quite recall. I'll try to fit some reading into my busy schedule.)