Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm Too Tired to Think of A Name For This Post. If You Have Any Suggestions, Please Suggest Away.

I was going to write a post about Tu B'Av, but then my life happened and now it's a bit too late for that. Of course, I could enter into my special place, where time is relative, and my blog posts are eternally relevant, but frankly I'm not in the mood. It's 3 Am, and what's incredible is that people are actually going to read this. Yaaaay! Having people read my blog isn't actually why I started it, but now that it's happening, it's so much fun that I am responding to it by writing posts more suited to my readers. Ok, this isn't suited to my readers because it's a bit too contemplative. Be funny, Cheerio! (This is tough. It's hard to be funny on demand. At least without having a team of script writers working on developing your lines. I don't know how some of you people do it! Just let the ridiculousness flow. My brain keeps getting in the way and trying to think. )
Today, I went to this giant flea market in San Jose. Very cool thing - it was in a drive in theater! I didn't even know any of those still existed in California! I'm very excited. Not that I'm making any immediate plans to drive two hours to see a movie in a drive in, but just knowing that a drive in theater exists is a comforting thought. Going to a drive in was one of my favorite memories as a kid. My parents would pack us up in the car and make popcorn and bring blankets, and drive out to a theater and we'd watch something. We really only did it a couple of times, which is why it stood out in my memory so much. But it was fun! And after discovering on Shabbos that a nearby park took out the extremely cool pirate ship climbing structure, and replaced it with a dinky prefab plastic one, discovering that drive ins are not extinct was very reassuring.
The flea market reminded me of the shuk in Israel, only with more Mexicans, Asians, and white trash. After seeing the sheer volume of stuff they have there, I have taken a vow never to buy retail again. Especially when it comes to getting my kids toys. Maybe I'll make an exception for birthdays. But just seeing how much stuff exists in this world is frightening.
And when most of it seems to somehow transport itself into the back of your car? Even more frightening.
After that, it was on to the frum pool party. This is how you have a frum pool party:
Move to a really small community. Invite a bunch of families, where the kids are either too little to want to hang out with each other, spent enough time playing together growing up that flirting with each other would feel like incest, or are actually related. Be very rich, and have a separate pool house and pool area. Men swim, women eat, and vice versa. Play Matisyahu.
Voila! Frum pool party.
Now I can't think of any more to say.
So I am not going to say anymore.


Just like a guy said...

A good title might be, "The junk pool".

You know, there's a reason the Torah forbids incest. It's because people want to do it. Now don't all go, "Ewww-that's gross", because the fact is, people have done and continue to do it. It must be something in our genes...
So Lefi Anias Daati, this frum pool party you describe doesn't sound like the greatest idea in the whole world. If it's only kids swimming, then I understand, but over the age of ten? You should never underestimate the power of hormones.
I too grew up in a small community (Chabad house-style), and I know what you're saying about the boys and girls feeling like family. Still, doesn't sound like the frummest thing in the world.

I'm sure I misunderstood the whole post, and you're going to have to explain why the whole thing was as innocent as apple pie. Speaking of apple pie, I am a bit peckish...

Just like a guy said...

Oh, I totally forgot about the junk! Oh well.

Anonymous said...

the drive in movie sounds wonderful!

Cheerio said...

trs, i'm still going to go "eewww, gross." besides, wasn't the taavah for incest taken away during that story in the gemara where the chickens stopped laying eggs?
but just to clarify this halachically: Men swam - in the separate, fully hidden by bushes, pool. Women ate in the yard. then they switched. All contact between the unrelated/unmarried persons there was conducted in the presence of related/married persons, and was usually something along the lines of "where's the cookies?"
feel better? want to come next time?

anon - i LOVE drive in movies, and definitely plan on putting those on my list of activities to do with someone ;)

Just like a guy said...

I am now going to reveal something that may get me killed. The person who told it to me also made me swear that I would never speak of it. Having said that, he also appreciates my need for blogging supremacy, and so I'll spill the beans.
At a Farbrengen several weeks ago Reb Itche Meir Gourarie said, "Who among us hasn't had taivos for his mother in law at one time or another?"
Remember, this is the man that many people claim is the second holiest dude in Canada. My point? Don't convince yourself darling.

Having said that, I'm quite gratified to hear that all was tznius at the party.
Of course I feel better, how could I not? Now that the Tzniut Police doesn't have to come there and wreak havoc he can come here instead and make mayhem for the masses.

And sure, I'd love to come. You're paying my plane ticket?

EndOfWorld said...

Oh, I was about to say something, but am shocked speechless.

Shliach: Man, the point about not mixing between unrelated whatevers is a solid one, but I think that the last part about m.i.l. is a bit extreme.

Anyway (tries to shake off very disturbing images) cheerio, I'm very jealous of your flea market right now. I wish I had those in NY. All I have is ebay and craigs list, and its not nearly half as fun.

Just like a guy said...

There's a reason I wasn't supposed to write about that.

Anonymous said...

If you weren't supposed to write about that, then vhy did you? Can I ask Rabbi G. to confirm the accuracy of that statement/question?

Cheerio said...

ok, trs, wow. that's... wow. wow. um, ok. trying to respond intelligently here. umm. so. guess that proves that everyone has a dark side! or that guys are seriously, seriously twisted. cuz... i don't see any of my teachers saying that to us about fathers in law!
and that's enough. i've grossed myself out now. great.

E0W - they got flea markets in ny! so far i've only been to the one in park slope, which is the classier kind. but i'm sure if we looked, we could find the nice shuk kind, with all the lower class people!

Just like a guy said...

Anon: If you want to you can, but I didn't hear it from him, just from someone who heard him say it.

Cheerio: My goal was not to gross anyone out, it was merely to show that lust has not left the human condition. This was the best graphic example I could think of at the time.

EndOfWorld said...

Cheerio: There's one in parkslope? We are so getting together and going there when you come to ch. email me