Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One of the Happiest Days of My LIfe


Today has been one of the happiest days of my life. Serious, mind-bending, heart-exploding, crazy, pure joy kind of happy. Hard core happiness. 
A little background first: I grew up in Berkeley. Now, frum people rarely know where that is, but secular people know that Berkeley is the town wherein exists the University of California Berkeley aka Cal Berkeley. They also know that it is one of the most violently liberal (and I mean that in its political, not literal, sense) places in the world. Ok, that's kind of a sidetrack. Well, not really. The point is, it's a crazy place to grow up Jewish, Orthodox, and Chabad. (Awesome, and I am so moving back there if the Messiah doesn't show up before then, but crazy.) 
Growing up, there were three families. The shluchim's family, my family, and a third Lubavitch family. Three families - Ferris, Welton, Feld. 
I can't get mushy right now, because I will cry and write such cheesy stuff my brain will explode when I read it later. 
Let me just say this - these families are my family. I don't have a lot of actual blood relatives, and these people are the closest I get without actually sharing DNA. 
Now when I tell you that Rivkie Ferris is engaged to Dovid Feld, you might begin to comprehend the heart-melting, body-shaking, so pure I might OD on it kind of joy I'm feeling. 
So. So. So. So. SO. SO SO SO SO SO SO SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's more to the story that I am not at discretion to reveal. 
There's more going on in my life than this. 
But I want to leave this post with just this pure taste of happiness. 
(I'm going to scream like this when Moshiach comes.)


Just like a guy said...

Mazel tov-I figured there was an inside story...care to share?

Just like a guy said...


Nemo said...

Oh please. You are celebrating incest.

Cheerio said...

but that's the cool thing - it's not incest. it's like having your cousins get married without the creepy we all share genes stuff.

bonne said...

It's such a darling situation...something we all dream of as little kids. Mazel tov! When/Where's the L'chaim?

Cheerio said...

sunday night... i'm not sure where. i'll let you know.
any news on kesem's?

le7 said...

Dang cute.

Menucha photography said...

Sunday night @ Rayim Ahuvim ;) that's when the L'chaim is;) very exciting!!

Cheerio said...

thanks for the tip, menuch :) can't wait to see you!!

bonne said...

Kesem's will be in Montreal...but the wedding's gonna be here! Happy day!

Menucha photography said...

your welcome ash;) im here!!!!!!!!1 come kidnap me from kinus on friday(i dont even wanna be there)and lets go shopping for the lchaim;)