Things are a bit busy here in the Union St abode, what with moving and all. Thank G-d (and a handy handyman), we managed to get our couch through the hallway and into the living room with only a minor loss of limbs (the couch's, not ours).
In the meantime, I'm posting a couple of poems I wrote recently. Because I read them today, and they were pretty damn good.
(Written March 29)
In the space between
assaulted ears
and behind
busy eyes
there exists
core of silence, besieged by thoughts:
I love her shoes, oxford heels
with a shearling lining
black men look so good
when they
dress classically
and BAM!
that woman's wearing bright colors
three kids run
after their father
my coffee is too hot
and milky
That couple
ape bearded man
rat featured woman
walked by
this Starbucks window
just a moment ago
Manhattan is full,
and I miss the rhythm of Brooklyn
Breath inhaled, breath exhaled
the calm space between lungs
even as the nerves in my belly
under the strain of thoughts:
I have less than twenty dollars in my bank account
but I really want new shoes
I wanted to shop today,
but didn't.
and damn
will my roommate be angry when I tell her the cord to her laptop is frayed
and won't charge anything anymore
the new one won't arrive for a week.
our security blanket is gone.
I have to cancel my credit card,
because I am too lazy to clean my room
and find it.
besides, I think I accidentally threw it out
when I was sick.