Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Search for My Soul, Part 1


I'm so glad I got to talk to you
sparked the memories
of what I want to be
off the flint of who you are;
I was stirred into flame
by my frustration. 
How did I
let my life get here?
To this point
where the distance between my dreams
and my reality
have grown so far
I no longer even feel
a need
to bridge the gap?
I thought
I always knew who I was
I thought 
I still was that person
I think
I still am. 

But buried underneath
layers of laundry and dishes left too long
jobs proposed and left unpursued
education attempted and failed
the me I thought I was
has been crushed

Deeper and deeper
harder and harder
smaller and smaller
I can feel the lump of my soul
next to my heart
held safely between my lungs
under the protective plate
of my breastbone. 

added the slightest
bit of pressure.

There is something about the way you think that is just so foreign to me. 

I couldn't help 
but fight with that
even though
it was like banging
my head
against a wall. 

until suddenly I shook 
that crushed piece of myself

and it was a diamond in my hand. 


Just like a guy said...

Yowzers folks.

bonne said...

This was really beautiful. Something I can relate to at least...though not entirely.

le7 said...

This was nice!

Menucha photography said...

i love when people write poem's like these, where the last line leaves you contemplating.. ash- this is what you call good-quality writing.

e said...


Anonymous said...

i feel like you wrote out my feelings EXACTLY. every last line could have been written by me, today. (except i obviously can't write like you do - so thanks for being the pen of my soul!)

Just like a guy said...
